2013년 4월 11일 목요일

[TechNode] Multiple Administrative Consoles running at the same time on the same machine using Internet Explorer 8 causes the user to be logged out of one of the Adminstrative Consoles

Multiple Administrative Consoles running at the same time on the same machine using Internet Explorer 8 causes the user to be logged out of one of the Adminstrative Consoles

Technote (troubleshooting)


This is not an issue with Websphere Application Server's Adminstrative Console. Microsoft Internet Explorer has a known issue with "sharing" session information. There is a behavior change with multiple windows on Internet Explorer - sessions data appears to be shared among new windows by default. Meaning within Internet Explorer, File -> New Session or launching a second session of Internet Explorer from the Desktop.


Two independent WebSphere Application Server installations on the same machine, coexisting. Each have their own Administrative Console. Using Internet Explorer, you log in successfully to one of the Adminstrative Console. You then open a new Internet Explorer session or launch Internet Explorer from the desktop, to log into the second Adminstrative Console. This action logs you out of the first Adminstrative Console.


Internet Explorer shares data between the two Internet Explorer sessions. So when the isclite.ear is launched, it creates a variable called JSESSIONID for this server. Then the second Internet Explorer session is launched to access the second Adminstrative Console. This isclite.ear for this installation again creates the same variable JSESSIONID. Internet Explorer now shares data between the sessions and can not differentiate which JSESSIONID is for which Adminstrative Console, causing the first started Adminstrative Console to log itself out.

Resolving the problem

There are a couple of possible solutions to this issue. Solution B avoids changing Websphere XML code and should be tried first. This issue can be found with a Network Deployment installation or Stand-alone BASE installation of WebSphere Application Server. The term DMGR is used below for the Network Deployment installation. If you have a BASE install you will use the same technique to resolve the issue. The Adminstrative Console's application name is called isclite.ear.
Solution A :
  1. Backup the system, you can run the backupconfig command against the DMGR profile before making the following change.
    Implement the following solution for one of your DMGR's isclite ear files and see if resolves your issue.
  2. Find the deployment.xml for isclite.ear.

    Open the deployment.xml in an editor and find the following tag, defaultCookieSettings and then add the "name" attribute as shown in following example:
    <defaultCookieSettings xmi:id="Cookie_1" name="JSESSIONID_Dmgr01" domain="" maximumAge="-1" path="/ibm" secure="false"/>

    NOTE : Put the "name" tag before the "domain" tag
  3. Restart the DMGR. Launch Internet Explorer and log into this DMGR's Adminstrative Console. Within the active Internet Explorer window use File -> New Session for the second browser launch of Internet Explorer. In this new Internet Explorer window start the Adminstrative Console for the second WebSphere Application Server installation. This should allow both Adminstrative Consoles to run at the same time.

If change to the first DMGR's isclite.ear's deployment.xml did not resolve your issue, then do the same change to the other DMGR's isclite ear but change the "name" parameter's value to something like, name="JSESSIONID_Dmgr02".

Solution B :
Launch iexplore.exe process with -nomerge command line option, for pre-release version IE8.

Launch iexplore.exe process with -noframemerging command line option, for version IE8

Review the Internet Explorer Command-Line Options for further details

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