2012년 12월 12일 수요일

[TechNote] http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21590118

Unusable repositories might be created when using the -platform option of the Packaging Utility copy command


IBM Packaging Utility Version 1.5.2 introduced the capability to create platform-scoped repositories for installing and maintaining products using IBM Installation Manager. The -platform option of the Packaging Utility copy command enables you to customize and reduce the size of your repository by maintaining content for only those platforms that your organization uses. If you specify unsupported operating-system and architecture combinations for IBM WebSphere Application Server offerings when you use the -platform option of the Packaging Utility copy command, unusable local repositories might be created.

For example, you might receive an error such as the following:

CRIMA1176E ERROR: Platform support validation error for package IBM 
WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment version in 
repository /opt/middleware/InstallationManagerWAS8003/repository. 

CRIMC1072E ERROR: The repository only contains files for this 
platform: os=aix,arch=ppc64

Resolving the problem

The following table lists valid combinations for creating a local WebSphere Application Server offering repository that is sliced by operating system and architecture.
PlatformOptionsResulting Repository
Microsoft Windowsos=win32,arch=x86 
Windows 32 bit and 64 bit
Linux Intelos=linux,arch=x86Linux Intel 32 bit and 64 bit
Linux Poweros=linux,arch=ppcLinux Power 32 bit and 64 bit
Linux on System zos=linux,arch=s390Linux on System z 32 bit and 64 bit
AIXos=aixAIX 32 bit and 64 bit
Solaris Sparcos=solaris,arch=sparcSolaris Sparc 32 bit and 64 bit
Solaris Intelos=solaris,arch=x86Solaris Intel 64 bit
HP-UX Itaniumos=hpuxHP-UX Itanium 64 bit

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