2013년 12월 27일 금요일

[TechNote] Issues starting or running Installation Manager

Issues starting or running Installation Manager


A list of known issues that occur when running IBM Installation Manager on different operating systems.


The table lists issue related to operating system configurations. These issues can cause Installation Manager to crash in GUI mode or to not start. For some issues, there is no information provided when Installation Manager fails to run.
AIXInstallation Manager does not start correctly and stops during the display of the splash screen on AIX.There is an incompatibility of Eclipse SWT library code and executed graphical environment on AIX systems.

Startup and More info Issues with Installation Manager GUI on AIX systems
Installation Manager fails to start or hangs or is unresponsive.What to do when IBM Installation Manager fails to startup or hangs or is unresponsive
Installation Manager fails to start. After execution of #./installor #./IBMIM the prompt # returns. There are no error messages.Possible causes:
Some of the required system libraries cannot be located and Installation Manager cannot launch.
The missing library is in an inaccessible location.
The graphical environment (GTK) is not installed on the system.

Installation Manager fails to start without warning
Silent installation of Installation Manager fails with the following output:
Error executing "chmod()" operation (status=-1).
See agent output log for more information: /var/ibm/InstallationManager/logs/native/20090123_1619.log
The log file contains multiple lines like:
chmod: can't change sun_java.desktop: Not owner
chmod: can't change sun_java.png: Not owner
chmod: can't change COPYRIGHT: Not owner
There is an issue with the file permissions on the system.

Run the command:
#ls -al /usr/bin/sh

If the result looks like:
-rwsr-xr-x 2 bin bin 282624 Jan 12 2012 /usr/bin/sh

Run the command:
#chmod 755 /usr/bin/sh

To get: -rwxr-xr-x 2 bin bin 282624 Jan 12 2012 /usr/bin/sh
Installation Manager cannot be started.Some of the required libraries by the Installation Manager are not installed.

Required filesets on AIX for Installation Manager
SolarisInstallation Manager on Solaris™ with an older version of the GTK (2.2.4) can crash. The crash occurs if the Show Dependencies box is checked on the Modify Packages > Feature selection panel. Selecting "X" to close the Dependency window results in a JVM failure:
JVM terminated. Exit code=1 dialog.
Installation Manager on Solaris with old GTK crashes if the Show Dependencies box is checked

The issue occurs with GTK 2.2.4 but cannot be reproduced with GTK 2.8.11 and GTK 2.10.4
UbuntuInstallation Manager cannot be installed or started on Ubuntu 64 10.04 LTS (64-bit).
Running ./install in a shell window in a directory that contains the Installation Manager installation files results in output that looks like:
bash: ./install: No such file or directory
Installation Manger is a 32-bit application and requires 32-bit versions of OS system libraries. The 32-bit versions are not installed on Ubuntu 64 10.04 LTS (64-bit) by default.

Error: bash ./install: No such file or directory when installing Installation Manager on Ubuntu 64 10.04 LTS (64-bit)
Unix / LinuxInstallation Manager fails on UNIX® or Linux® with the error assertionGDK_IS_SCREEN (screen)' failed and provides instructions to resolve the issue.The DISPLAY environment variable is not initialized to a working x11 display.

DISPLAY environment variable must be set or alarming failure occurs
Unix / LinuxInstallation Manager graphical environment does not work properly on UNIX® or Linux®.Installation Manager graphical environment issues on Solaris, Linux, AIX
Unix / LinuxUsing Installation Manager on UNIX® or Linux® results in the error: Containing directory could not be set for directory shortcut "IBM Installation Manager".Containing directory could not be set for directory shortcut "IBM Installation Manager"
Unix / LinuxInstallation Manager installation commands ./install or ./userinst fail on UNIX® or Linux® with an error message like:
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2008-02-25 09:53:15.817
!MESSAGE Error reading configuration: /a/user/im/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/.manager/.fileTableLock (No such file or directory)
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /a/user/im/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/.manager/.fileTableLock (No such file or directory)
This issue occurs when only a top directory has write access permissions. Installation Manager assumes all sub-directories have write access.
When Installation Manager creates the~/im/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/.manager/.fileTableLockfile, the file creation fails and an error is reported.
Check file permissions for all unzipped files and directories.
Update the permission of all the Installation Manager installation files and folders. For example, you could execute the following command to update the permissions:
chmod 775 -R *
Unix / LinuxIBM® Installation Manager installer (./install or ./userinst) fails on UNIX® or Linux® with an error message like:
IBMIM:13302): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_window_set_keep_above: assertion `GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed
(IBMIM:13302): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_window_set_keep_below: assertion `GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed
Using the sudo command to run Installation Manager as root fails
Unix / LinuxThe Installation Manager graphical environment cannot be usedThis issue can occur for multiple reasons. One reason is that graphical libraries are not available and cannot be installed because of system administration policies.

Use the silent mode or console mode in Installation Manager as an alternative to using the graphical user interface.
For more information, see the Installation Manager Information Center.

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