Potential native memory use in reflection delegating classloaders
Technote (troubleshooting)
A high number of classloaders of type
sun/reflect/DelegatingClassLoader, which are used to load
sun/reflect/GeneratedMethodAccessor<N> classes, can indicate a
potential large native memory footprint.
The process size for the application server will grow quite large. You might also see OutOfMemoryError’s thrown.
When using Java reflection, the JVM has two
methods of accessing the information on the class being reflected. It
can use a JNI accessor, or a Java bytecode accessor. If it uses a Java
bytecode accessor, then it needs to have its own Java class and
classloader (sun/reflect/GeneratedMethodAccessor<N> class and
sun/reflect/DelegatingClassLoader). Theses classes and classloaders use
native memory. The accessor bytecode can also get JIT compiled, which
will increase the native memory use even more. If Java reflection is
used frequently, this can add up to a significant amount of native
memory use.
The JVM will use the JNI accessor first, then
after some number of accesses on the same class, will change to use the
Java bytecode accessor. This is called inflation, when the JVM changes
from the JNI accessor to the bytecode accessor. Fortunately, we can
control this with a Java property. The sun.reflect.inflationThreshold
property tells the JVM what number of times to use the JNI accessor. If
it is set to 0, then the JNI accessors are always used. Since the
bytecode accessors use more native memory than the JNI ones, if we are
seeing a lot of Java reflection, we will want to use the JNI accessors.
To do this, we just need to set the inflationThreshold property to zero.
Diagnosing the problem
If there are a high number of
sun/reflect/DelegatingClassLoader classloaders in a javacore or
heapdump, you may be seeing this issue.
Resolving the problem
Set the sun.reflect.inflationThreshold Java property to 0.
- Go to the Admin Console
Servers > Application Servers > serverName:
- In the Server Infrastructure section open Java and Process Management, then select Process Definition:
- In the Additional Properties select Java Virtual Machine, add the following string to the Generic JVM arguments:
- Press OK, and save the configuration.
The application servers will need to be restarted for the settings to take effect.
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