2013년 2월 18일 월요일

[TechNote] Plug-in Propagation Fail with Error 13

Plug-in Propagation Fail with Error 13


The Web Server configured in WebSphere Application Server fails to propagate the plugin-cfg.xml file to a remote IBM HTTP Server administrative server.
IBM HTTP Server logs show the following error message:
[error] ac_write_file: (AC_OPENFILE) WriteFile: Error 13 opening file < PLUGIN_HOME>/config/webserver1/plugin-cfg.xml.

WebSphere Application Server DMGR or BASE server logs state:
com.ibm.websphere.plugincfg.exception.PluginConfigException: PLGC0049E: Propagation of the plug-in configuration file has failed for the Web server <WebServer Host>.


The problem is the IBM HTTP Server administrative server does not have permission to write to the plugin-cfg.xml file

Resolving the problem

If you manually moved the plugin-cfg.xml file, then delete this copy and allow the propagation to place a fresh version of the plugin-cfg.xml in its place. With the manually copied version in place the propagation tool tries to read the file instead of replacing it.

If a manual copied version is not your issue, change the plugin-cfg.xml file and directory permission's to allow the user running the IBM HTTP Server administrative server to read and write. The permission's need to be changed all the way up the directory path.
Ex: /opt/IBM/IHS_server/config. Change the permission's for "opt" , then "IBM", then "IHS_server and then "config" and plugin-cfg.xml (if this is not a manually copied version)
If this fails, please call support to open a PMR. Note, IBM support will need to review the IBM HTTP Server logs and collector tool from the DMGR or BASE application server profile. State the ID that you are using to start IBM HTTP Server as well as the ID used to propagate the plugin-cfg.xml. Provide a directory listing of where the plug-in is to be placed showing the permission's of all of the directories within the path.

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