2012년 3월 22일 목요일

[Plugin] Plug-in propagation fails with PLGC0063E and PLGC0049E when copying to remote Web server

Plug-in propagation fails with PLGC0063E and PLGC0049E when copying to remote Web server


Plug-in propagation can fail for several reasons: permissions, non-removal of a manually copied version of the plugin-cfg.xml file to the remote Web server, and password mismatch between the remote Web server and the user ID and password set in the administrative console for the remote Web server configuration.


Execute authority is needed on "other" for each directory leading up to where the plugin-cfg.xml file is stored. The same user ID and password used for the admin server on the Web server side, must be used in configuring the remote Web server on the Application Server side. Leaving a manually copied plugin-cfg.xml file in the directory path of the remote Web server, propagation tries to open it rather than overwriting it.

Resolving the problem

Verify you have taken the following steps to allow propagation to be successful.
Note: As a work around you can manually copy, from the Application Server side, the plugin-cfg.xml file to the remote Web server. This will allow you to verify that your remote Web server is working properly with your Application Server, until you get your propagation working.

  1. Set the username and password on the IBM HTTP Server side. Run per the instructions provided in the link below, under Related information, for the htpasswd command.
    install_root/bin/htpasswd -m <install_dir>/conf/admin.passwd [login name]

    The user ID and password should now be set.

  2. Restart the IBM HTTP Server admin process by first using the following command:
    install_root/bin/adminctl stop

    Then use the following command to start the admin process.
    install_root/bin/adminctl start

  3. In the WebSphere administrative console under the webserver > Remote Web server management page set the same username and password that was used in the setup in step 1. It is very important that the user ID and password of both match. The port used is 8008.

  4. In the administrative console, stop and start the Web server, under Web servers.

  5. Set permissions. For example, if the remote Web server path to the plug-in is the following:

    Change the permissions on “OTHER” to have executable permission up the complete path:
    rwx --- --x

    So /usr would have "OTHER" set to execute:
    rwx --- --x

    Then /usr/IHSPlugin would have the following, and so on:
    rwx --- ---x

    Match your original permissions, just add execute to "OTHER".

  6. If you have manually copied the plugin-cfg.xml file to the remote Web server as a workaround, remove the copied plug-in, then propagate the new plug-in. Otherwise, it will try to open the old plugin-cfg.xml file rather than creating a new one.

  7. If your plugin-cfg.xml file still does not propagate, see for v6.0 and v6.1 Troubleshooting: Plug-in Generation and Propagation for V6.1

    To debug, perform the following:
    1. In the admin.conf change the loglevel to debug.

    2. Restart the IBM HTTP Server admin process by first using the following command:
      install_root/bin/adminctl stop
      Then use the following command to start the admin process.
      install_root/bin/adminctl start

    3. Propagate the plug-in from the administrative console.

    4. Send in the admin.conf, admin.error_log, admin.access_log and save the exception from the administrative console.

    5. From the remote Web server, run the following command and send in the output:
      ps -ef | grep http

    6. On UNIX®, run the following command for each level of the directory path leading up to where the plugin-cfg.xml is actually stored and send in this output:
      ls -la
Related information
The following are some useful links located in the WebSphere® Application Server V6.0 Information Center:

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