2012년 3월 5일 월요일

[Info] IBM Support Assistant 5.0 new release

 IBM Support Assistant 5.0 Tech Preview



Announcing... the new Tech Preview release of IBM Support Assistant (ISA) 5.0 is now available! Download it and try it out!


IBM Support Assistant (ISA) 5.0 Tech Preview introduces the next generation of IBM's popular problem determination and troubleshooting platform. This new, complimentary release provides the richest tools and functions you need to perform root-cause analysis and enhance your productivity. 

Packed with new features:​
In the Tech Preview there are several problem determination tools included and the number of tools will continue to grow in future releases! Report-generating tools included in this release: ​ Learn more...​

Get started today and check out the Tech Preview!​ Got a suggestion or question? Log into our ​developerWorks forum​ and let us know!​

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