Customizing Caching Proxy Error Pages
How do I customize Caching Proxy error pages? Which Caching Proxy error pages can be customized?Resolving the problem
The following error pages of the Caching Proxy may be customized. To
customize the error page, simply edit the file corresponding to the keyword,
error code, or situation desired.
- If the error page is not listed in this table, then it is dynamically generated and not customizable.
- Error codes may be different from the HTTP status code.
- The files reside in the <CProotdirectory>/server_root/pub/LANG/errorpages directory.
Keyword | File used | Error Code | Used when |
badrange | /errorpages /badrange.htmls |
Error 416 - Invalid request - Content range is incorrect. | A PUT request either has an invalid content range header or it has incorrect information in the header for the file being processed. |
badredirect | /errorpages /badredirect.htmls |
Error 403 - Forbidden - invalid redirection in configuration file. | The server is trying to redirect the request and the Redirect directive is invalid (possibly missing a destination) or contains a loop. |
badrequest | /errorpages /badrequest.htmls |
Error 400 - Invalid request - completely unable to parse it. | Either there is a network problem, such as a time-out, or the request was indecipherable. |
badscript | /errorpages /badscript.htmls |
Error 400 - Bad script request -- no script name. | The server could determine that the requested file was a CGI script but it could not process it; the request was invalid in some way. |
baduser | /errorpages /baduser.htmls |
Error 403 - Forbidden - bad user directory. | You requested a user's home directory that does not exist. |
blocked | /errorpages /blocked.htmls |
Error 403 - Blocked by filtering rule. | There is a PICS rule associated with your request and the rule has blocked it. |
byrule | /errorpages /byrule.htmls |
Error 403 - Access forbidden by rule. | Either the file requested is specifically blocked by a Fail directive or it does not match any of the files that are allowed to be accessed according to other request mapping directives. |
cacheexp | /errorpages /cacheexp.htmls |
Error 404 - Document was found in the cache, but it was expired. | Proxy is in standalone cache mode with expiry checking enabled; document was found in the cache but it had expired. |
cachenoconn | /errorpages /cachenoconn.htmls |
Error 504 - Document was not found in the cache. | Proxy is in standalone cache mode [no external connections enabled] and the document was not found in the cache. |
cachenotopened | /errorpages /cachenotopened.htmls |
Error 500 - Proxy cache file could not be accessed. | The server encountered an internal error when opening the cache file associated with your request. |
cacheonly | /errorpages /cacheonly.htmls |
Error 504 - The requested document is not cached. | You indicated that you wanted the document only if it was in the cache. |
connectfail | /errorpages /connectfail.htmls |
Error 400 - Proxy Error: Unable to connect to remote host or host not responding - URL . | On a tunneled request, the server could not connect to the requested partner on the requested port. |
deletefailed | /errorpages /deletefailed.htmls |
Error 500 - Unable to delete file. | The server was unable to delete the requested file. |
dirbrowse | /errorpages /dirbrowse.htmls |
Error 403 - Directory browsing failed - access forbidden. | The client specified a directory (rather than a file name) in the URL that does not have a welcome page and the administrator has turned off directory browsing (either for this directory or for the entire server). |
dirnobrowse | /errorpages /dirnobrowse.htmls |
Error 403 - Directory browsing failed - unable to open directory (opendir). | The server was unable to read the directory. |
dotdot | /errorpages /dotdot.htmls |
Error 403 - Forbidden - URL containing ".." forbidden. | Your request contains an instruction (/../) to navigate above the document directory root and this is not allowed. |
expectfailed | /errorpages /expectfailed.htmls |
Error 417 - Expectation Failed. | An unknown expectation was received in the expect header |
ftpanonloginrej | /errorpages /ftpanonloginrej.htmls |
Error 504 - Proxy Error: Cannot login to the FTP Server anonymously. | This FTP server does not accept anonymous as a user ID. |
ftpauth | /errorpages /ftpauth.htmls |
Error 400 - Proxy Error: Could not login to FTP Server. | An unexpected error occurred when trying to login to the FTP server. |
ftpbad220 | /errorpages /ftpbad220.htmls |
Error 504 - Proxy Error: FTP Server did not send 220 connection message. | An error occured when trying to connect to the FTP server. |
ftphpanonloginrej | /errorpages /ftphpanonloginrej.htmls |
Error 400 - Proxy Error: Cannot login to the FTP Server anonymously. | This FTP server does not accept anonymous as a user ID. |
ftphpbad220 | /errorpages /ftphpbad220.htmls |
Error 504 - Proxy Error: FTP Server did not send 220 connection message. | An error occured when trying to connect to the FTP server. |
ftphploginrej | /errorpages /ftphploginrej.htmls |
Error 400 - The requested user ID cannot login to the FTP Server. | The user ID is invalid. |
ftphpnoconnect | /errorpages /ftphpnoconnect.htmls |
Error 400 - Proxy Error: Unable to connect to remote FTP Server at or server not responding. | The proxy server was unable to connect to the FTP server. |
ftphpnoresponse | /errorpages /ftphpnoresponse.htmls |
Error 400 - Proxy Error: No response from FTP Server at ... | The FTP server is down. |
ftphpnosocket | /errorpages /ftphpnosocket.htmls |
Error 400 - Proxy Error: Unable to open socket for FTP connection. | The proxy server was unable to communicate with the FTP server. |
ftphpunreshost | /errorpages /ftphpunreshost.htmls |
Error 400 - Proxy Error: Unable to resolve host name. | The FTP host in your URL could not be resolved. |
ftploginrej | /errorpages /ftploginrej.htmls |
Error 504 - The requested user ID cannot login to the FTP Server. | The user ID is invalid. |
ftploginreq | /errorpages /ftploginreq.htmls |
Error 401 - Proxy Error: userid and/or password required for the FTP Server at ... | The FTP server requires a userid and password for access. |
ftpnoconnect | /errorpages /ftpnoconnect.htmls |
Error 504 - Proxy Error: Unable to connect to remote FTP Server at or server not responding. | The proxy server was unable to connect to the FTP server. |
ftpnodata | /errorpages /ftpnodata.htmls |
Error 504 - Proxy Error: unable to open data connection for the FTP Server at ... | The proxy server did not receive any data from the FTP server, perhaps the connection was closed. |
ftpnoresponse | /errorpages /ftpnoresponse.htmls |
Error 504 - Proxy Error: No response from FTP Server at ... | The FTP server is down. |
ftpnosocket | /errorpages /ftpnosocket.htmls |
Error 504 - Proxy Error: Unable to open socket for FTP connection. | The proxy server was unable to communicate with the FTP server. |
ftpunrechost | /errorpages /ftpunrechost.htmls |
Error 400 - Proxy Error: Host name not recognized or host not found. | The FTP server address in your URL was resolved, but was not found. |
ftpunreshost | /errorpages /ftpunreshost.htmls |
Error 504 - Proxy Error: Unable to resolve host name. | The FTP host in your URL could not be resolved. |
hpforbidden | /errorpages /hpforbidden.htmls |
Error 403 - Forbidden - Not Allowed. | The requested file was found but the server's protection setup prevented access. |
httpnodata | /errorpages /httpnodata.htmls |
Error 400 - Proxy Error: Remote host did not send any data. | The proxy server did not receive any data from the origin server, perhaps the connection was closed. |
httpnoforward | /errorpages /httpnoforward.htmls |
Error 400 - Proxy Error: Unable to forward request. | Host connected, but unable to forward your request. |
httpnosend | /errorpages /httpnosend.htmls |
Error 400 - Proxy Error: Unable to send request. | The host was contacted, but the proxy server was unable to send your request. |
httpunreshost | /errorpages /httpunreshost.htmls |
Error 400 - Proxy Error: Unable to resolve host name. | The server was unable to resolve the host in your URL to an IP address. |
ipmask | /errorpages /ipmask.htmls |
Error 403 - Forbidden - server refuses to serve to your IP address. | The file requested has a protection rule that includes a list of valid IP addresses and your IP address is not included in the list. |
ipmaskproxy | /errorpages /ipmaskproxy.htmls |
Error 403 - Proxy server will not serve to your IP Address (at least with this HTTP method). | You are trying to use the server as a proxy and you are not included in a list of hostnames or IP addresses that are allowed to do so. |
methoddisabled | /errorpages /methoddisabled.htmls |
Error 405 - Method is disabled on this server. | Your requested method (such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) is specifically not allowed on this server. |
multifail | /errorpages /multifail.htmls |
Error 404 - Not found - file doesn't exist or is read protected [even tried multi]. | The requested file could not be found on the server. The server tried to match the filename exactly as specified and with every known file extension. |
noaccess | /errorpages /noaccess.htmls |
Error 403 - Cannot access the requested file. | All attempts to access the file have failed. |
noacl | /errorpages /noacl.htmls |
Error 403 - Forbidden - access to file is never allowed [no ACL file]. | The directory has a protection rule but does not have an Access Control List (ACL) defined. |
nocachenoconn | /errorpages /nocachenoconn.htmls |
Error 400 - Internal proxy cache standalone mode error; couldn't open cache file for reading. | The server is configured to serve only from its cache, and it could not open the cache file related to your request. |
noentry | /errorpages /noentry.htmls |
Error 403 - Forbidden - access to file is never allowed [no ACL entry]. | The directory is protected by an Access Control List (ACL) and you are not in the ACL. |
noformat | /errorpages /noformat.htmls |
Error 406 - No acceptable representation. | The document requested is not available in any format (MIME type) which your browser can interpret. |
nohostheader | /errorpages /nohostheader.htmls |
Error 400 - Invalid request -- HOST header was not sent. | This is a HTTP 1.1 request, and the client did not send a required HOST header. |
noopen | /errorpages /noopen.htmls |
Error 403 - Cannot open file. | The file exists, but the server cannot open the file. |
nopartner | /errorpages /nopartner.htmls |
Error 400 - Proxy Error: Host name not recognized or host not found. | The server could not connect to the requested hostname due to bad syntax or an unknown host. |
norep | /errorpages /norep.htmls |
Error 403 - Could not find suitable representation for transmission. | The server could not find a representation for the given request. |
notallowed | /errorpages /notallowed.htmls |
Error 403 - Forbidden - PUT/DELETE must be explicitly allowed in server's protection setup. | The requested file was found but the server's protection setup prevented access. This error is commonly generated for URLs that point to CGI programs. |
notauthorized | /errorpages /notauthorized.htmls |
Error 401 - Not Authorized - Authentication failed. | The request requires a user ID and password. |
notfound | /errorpages /notfound.htmls |
Error 404 - Not found | File or directory doesn't exist or is read protected. |
notmember | /errorpages /notmember.htmls |
Error 401 - Not authorized to access the document. | The requested file has a protection rule listing valid user IDs and passwords and your user ID is not included in the list. |
olproxnocontact | /errorpages /olproxnocontact.htmls |
Error 400 - Outer-level proxy could not be contacted. | This server could not contact the outer-level proxy server. |
openfailed | /errorpages /openfailed.htmls |
Error 403 - Cannot browse the selected file. | After passing the protection rules, the server determined that you should have read access to the file, but the operating system will not allow the server to access it. |
originbadresp | /errorpages /originbadresp.htmls |
Error 500 - Origin Server returned invalid response. | The response returned by the origin server was not a valid HTTP protocol response. |
preconfail | /errorpages /preconfail.htmls |
Error 412 - Precondition failed: Could not match entity tags | A precondition specified by the client on this request was not met. For example, this could result from an HTTP/1.1 request with a condition "If-None-Match". |
proxybadurl | /errorpages /proxybadurl.htmls |
Error 400 - Proxy Error: Invalid URL. | The URL you entered is invalid. |
proxyfail | /errorpages /proxyfail.htmls |
Error 400 - Proxy load failed. | The client is trying to use the server as a proxy, and although this is allowed, it did not work. |
proxynotauth | /errorpages /proxynotauth.htmls |
Error 407 - Not authorized. Proxy-Authentication failed (or your browser does not support it). | The proxy request requires a user ID and password. Note that some web browsers do not support it. |
proxynotmember | /errorpages /proxynotmember.htmls |
Error 407 - Not authorized for proxy access to the document. | The proxy request has a protection rule listing valid user IDs and your user ID is not included in that list. |
putfailed | /errorpages /putfailed.htmls |
Error 500 - Unable to put file. | The server encountered an error when trying to put the file. |
rchunkerror | /errorpages /rchunkerror.htmls |
Error 502 - An incorrectly formatted chunked message was received. | An error was encountered while decoding a chunked message received from the origin server. The message might have been incorrectly formatted by the origin server. |
rchunkmemory | /errorpages /rchunkmemory.htmls |
Error 500 - Proxy Error: Unable to continue receiving chunked message. | The amount of memory available for buffering and unchunking a chunked message needs to be increased. |
scriptinterr | /errorpages /scriptinterr.htmls |
Error 500 - Internal error: execve() failed. | The server cannot spawn the requested CGI process. |
scriptio | /errorpages /scriptio.htmls |
Error 500 - Internal error: can't read script output pipe. | The client requested a CGI script; the server can find it and start it but cannot get it to process input or output. The script may contain invalid code. |
scriptnocomm | /errorpages /scriptnocomm.htmls |
Error 500 - Could not communicate with CGI program. | The server could not create pipes to communicate with the CGI process. |
scriptnotfound | /errorpages /scriptnotfound.htmls |
Error 500 - Bad preparse script request -- script is not executable | The script request is not valid. Could not communicate with the CGI program. |
scriptnovari | /errorpages /scriptnovari.htmls |
Error 500 - Bad script request -- no variation is executable. | The server tried running the CGI script with multiple suffixes and failed. |
scriptstart | /errorpages /scriptstart.htmls |
Error 500 - Starting the CGI program failed. | The client requested a CGI script; the server can find it but cannot start it. The script may contain invalid code. |
servermaperror | /errorpages /servermaperror.htmls |
Error 500 - Server mapping error. The server is misconfigured. | The server encountered an internal error while processing its mapping rules for your request. |
setuperror | /errorpages /setuperror.htmls |
Error 403 - Forbidden - server protection setup error [probably protection setup file not found or syntax error]. | The directory has an Access Control List (ACL) defined but does not have a protection rule. |
throttled | /errorpages /throttled.htmls |
Error 503 - This server cannot accept any more requests right now. Please try again later. | The server is busy satisfying other requests. |
unknownmethod | /errorpages /unknownmethod.htmls |
Error 501 - The request is not valid or not recognized. | The request did not include a recognized method, such as GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE. |
outputtimeout | /errorpages /outputtimeout.htmls |
Error 504 - Proxy Time-out. | The Proxy Server is experiencing time out before it receives any data from the web server. |
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